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Create Lease Offer

New Director
New Director
  • Updated

Create and manage lease offers for prospect and tenants, which covers the setting up the components of the lease offer: allocation of a lease space, setting up the lease type, lease dates and term, lease availability and lease offer expiry.



Prior to creating a lease offer, the following set up should have been completed first:



1. From the homepage, go to Tenancy module.

2. Navigate to the Lease and select Lease Offer.



Creating the Lease Offer

1. Create a new lease offer by clicking the Create New button and set up the following:

  • Urgent - tick if the lease offer is urgent otherwise leave it blank
  • Building - select the building of the unit for lease
  • Customer - select the customer
  • Lease Type - select the appropriate lease type. E.g. Commercial, Residential, Retail, Warehouse.
  • Usage Type - select the appropriate usage type based on the customer's business
  • Brand Type - select the customer's brand type
  • Preferred Shop Name - select the customer's shop name
  • Trade Type - select the customer's trade type
  • Sub-Trade Type - select the sub-trade type from the trade type
  • Anchor Type - select the appropriate anchor type
  • Lease Offer Date - select the start date of the lease offer
  • Lease Offer Expiry Date - select the end date of the lease offer
  • Short Term Lease - tick if the lease offer is a short-term lease otherwise leave it blank
  • Lease Possession Date - select the date by which the unit will be turned over to the customer for fit out
  • Fitting Out Period (Days) - input the number of days the customer can perform fit out activities to the unit
  • Lease Commencement Date - automatically computed based on the Lease Possession Date and Fitting Out Period
  • Lease Term (Months) - input the lease term in months
  • Lease Expiry Date - automatically computed based on the Lease Commencement Date and Lease Term
  • Lease Spaces - add the lease spaces for to be included in the lease
  • Subject to Unit(s) Availability - tick if multiple offers for same unit is allowed, otherwise leave it blank
  • Amend Lease Period by Unit - tick if period amendment is allowed for the lease, otherwise leave it blank
  • Lease space - select the Business Entity from the options, then select the Cost Centre and the relevant space for lease

2. Confirm the cost centre/natural account and preview the financial proposal.

3. Expand the monthly charges and rebates section to configure the charges. Note that default charges will be populated based on lease type. It's also possible to add rebates within the lease term. An auto rebate offset will occur if the charge type chosen is the same as the original charge.

4. Add the GTO component. The amount to is non-mandatory as the next GTO band will automatically populate the previous amount to based on the amount from. If there is no next band, amount applies with no to limits.

5. Expand the security deposits and one time charges section. Adjust the months if required and click calculate to calculate the updated deposit. Check to add Bankers’ guarantee/ deposits by other leases.

6. Expand the one-time charges section to add any one time charges.

7. Proceed to check the initial charges and modify the LPI (if necessary). Submit for Approval when done.


Please note all new lease offers have to be formally approved prior addition by the system. The system sends out an automated request to the approver. Once the approval is provided, the lease offer will be visible in the function's dashboard.


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