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License/Contract Settings

New Director
New Director
  • Updated

Create and set up the classification for each license type. Fill in the default settings for the license type for the system to adhere during lease offer. Lease type acts as a template for the lease offer so default settings and charges populate for the user to conveniently continue with the process.   



1. From the homepage, go to License/Contract module.

2. Navigate to the License/Contract and select License/Contract Settings.



Setting Up the License Type

1. Click the Add button and set up the following:

  • License Type - input your new license types and and select the applicable tickbox:
    • License issuance required
    • Requires physical space occupation
    • Does not require move out assessment
    • Require budget comparison


           License Type: Food Stall

           License issuance required - No

           Requires physical space occupation - Yes

           Does not require move out assessment - No

           Require budget comparison - No


2. Input the Deposit Type to be used in the license type. 


           Deposit Type Name: Security Deposit

           Simple Percentage

           Percentage - 100%


Setting Up the License Charge Types

1. Create the Recurring Charge Types by clicking the Add button.

2. Select the recurring charge type from the dropdown list. Seelect the applicable tickbox and click the Update button once done.

  • Is Rental?
  • Is Service Charge?
  • Is Rebate?
  • Is Rent Free?
  • Is Rebate/Rent Free for Base Rent

3. Create the One Time Charge Type by clicking the Add button.

4. Select the one time charge type from the dropdown list. 

5. Create the GTO Charge Type by clicking the Add button.

6. Select the GTO charge type from the dropdown list.


Setting Up the Billing for License/Contract

1. Select how to generate deposit:

  • As a Cash Charge
  • As an Invoice Item

2. Select whether to merge License GTO merge invoice item for same UOM.

3. Set the Billing Set for the License Billing Types by selecting from the dropdown. 


Setting Up the License Checklist and Workflow

1. Define the document checklist for each License processes by selecting from the dropdown:

  • License
  • License Novation
  • License Modification/Extension
  • License Termination

2. Define the workflow status for each License processes by inputing the steps followed by a comma:


       License: Start,Query,Draft


The charges and setting will apply during the creation of the license/contract and during the lease term.



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