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Meter Reading Adjustment

Warren Hamilton
Warren Hamilton
  • Updated

Utility Contract / Introduction

Function to perform mass update of point values.


  1. Existing Business Entity.
  2. Existing Customer Account.
  3. Existing Location Type.


  1. The date is prepopulated upon entry but should be modified according to the business entity's reading schedule. 
  2. An approval process can be set in place permitting certain system users to make modifications to the readings.

Step Process

  1. From the homepage, go to module menu option.
  2. Navigate to "Utility > Utility Contract > Meter Reading Adjustment".
  3. Select existing meter reading or proceed to "Reading" function to enter details to adjust.
  4. Enter the updated reading details. Each user can change the location, equipment or reading date of an existing entry in the system. 
  5. Click "Save and Close".

Related Articles

  1. Meter Reading Upload
  2. Meter Reading Adjustment

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