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Customer Particulars Update

Warren Hamilton
Warren Hamilton
  • Updated

Customer Relationship Management/ Introduction

The Customer Management Module provides powerful and comprehensive functionalities for the
management of customer information records, customer accounts and transactions and
blacklisting process. The module forms the foundation for finance Accounts Receivable Management, Tenancy Management, License or Contract Management, Prospects Management, Arrears Management,
Shared Resources Management and other sub-system that is related to revenue generation or
customer servicing.

Customer Management allows user to perform the following functions:

  1. Customer
  2. Customer Group
  3. Customer Account
  4. Group Customer Account
  5. Customer Particulars Update
  6. Customer Blacklist
  7. Customer Blacklist Removal
  8. Alert Type
  9. Alert

Fig. Key Workflow


  1. Existing Customer Account
  2. Existing Business Entity.

Step Process

  1. From the homepage, go to module menu option.
  2. Select "Customer Relationship  > Customer Particulars Update".
  3. Choose from existing updates or click "Create New".
  4. Select existing customer account or enter a new customer particular. 
  5. Include any relevant documents in the "Attachments" tab and click "Save as Draft" and "Submit for Approval."
  6. Note that the system will prompt the approver automatically.

Related Articles

  1. Customer
  2. Customer Group
  3. Customer Account
  4. Group Customer Account
  5. Customer Particulars Update
  6. Customer Blacklist
  7. Customer Blacklist Removal
  8. Alert Type
  9. Alert

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