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Customer Group (CG)

Warren Hamilton
Warren Hamilton
  • Updated

Customer Relationship Management/ Introduction

The Customer Group function permits users to group customers that are affiliated or belong under same holding company for reporting and risk assessment purpose.


  1. Existing Customer Account
  2. A Customer group can be defined by users, and the Systems allows Users to set up a hierarchical structure for the Customer Group.

2) Existing customer contact details. 


Step Process

  1. From the homepage, go to module menu option.
  2. Navigate to "Customer Relationship > Customer Group".
  3. Choose from existing groups or click "Create New".
  4. Fill in the details of the customer to be registered in the system. Enter Customer Account Name and Account Number.
  5. Select Account Status.
  6. Select existing Customer Name.
  7. Enter cost center and billing related details.
  8. Attach any financial documents in the Attachments tab.
  9. Proceed to "Customers" and "GIRO" tabs.
  10. Click "Save and Close"


The system allows for data extraction in Adobe PDF/Excel CSV or Word

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