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Warren Hamilton
Warren Hamilton
  • Updated

Customer Relationship Management/ Introduction

The Customer Relationship Management Suite provides comprehensive management of all customer related activities ranging from setting up of customers and customer accounts, producing customer financial and management reports to tracking and managing customer cases. It's possible for each customer to have multiple customer accounts with different account types. 

A Customer record represents a real world customer. Each customer entity can have multiple customer accounts, whereby  each account is linked to a signed contract with one of the business entities in the system. (eg Lease) The account may also be set up for a specific revenue generation purpose. The Customer Management suite allows users to perform the following functions:

  1. Customer
  2. Customer Group
  3. Customer Account
  4. Group Customer Account
  5. Customer Particulars Update
  6. Customer Blacklist
  7. Customer Blacklist Removal
  8. Alert Type
  9. Alert


Fig.1 Customer Relationship Workflow


  1.  Customer Account
  2. AR Charge Type
  3. AR Payment Mode
  4. AR Payment Terms


  1. Set up and maintain a database of customers.
  2. Associate related customers to parent company.
  3. Set up a customer blacklist. 

Step Process

  1. Navigate to "Customer Relationship > Customer".
  2. Click on ”Create New”. Fill in the details of the customer to be registered in the system by adding in the following information:
    - Status
    - Customer Name on Correspondence
    - Customer Group
    - Type of Customer
    - Individual Details
    - Address Information including mailing, correspondence as well as mode of correspondence.

    Fig.2 Customer Fields to be completed by a user. 

  3. Navigate to Contact Details on the left navigation tab and include specific details
  4. Navigate to Customer Accounts and fill in the required fields.
  5. If the customer has any blacklisting history include it in the relevant tab.
  6. Click "Save and Close".


  1. Users are permitted to create customer records as long as they do not already exist within the system database. Each customer record is stored and detected through the unique identifiers such as individual identity number (eg NRIC) and business registration number. In addition, the system will collect business entity information including VAT registration Number, Date, Company’s registered address, preferred correspondence address and preferred correspondence modes eg. Email, SMS etc.
  2. Customers are classified into the following types: 
    - Miscellaneous (usually for over the counter transactions, like a one-time customer),
    - Sole-Proprietorship
    - Statutory board/ Ministry (to have special handling for invoice listing file to upload to AGD (Account General Department) portal – see more information on other interface).
    - Partnership
    - Limited Liability Partnerships
    - Private Limited Companies
    - Public Limited Companies
    - Limited Liability Corporations
    - Registered Foreign Corporations
    - Foreign Company Registered In Singapore
    - Co-operative Societies
  3. New potential customers can be added to the system database with minimal information requirements such as name, identification, and contact details. This is done by classifying the customer as a "Customer as a Prospect". A Customer marked as "Prospect" can enter any Contract (managed by Lease, License, and Utility Contract) at the point of Contract / Customer Account creation.
  4. Please note that any customer with a non-prospect status will be identified by the system and additional customer information will be required prior to creation of any contract with such customer. A contract creation will automatically generate a new customer account.
  5. Please note that a customer record cannot be deleted if there are other records linked to it.

Related Articles

  1. Customer Account
  2. Customer Group (CG)
  3. Invoice To Customer
  4. Collection from customer
  5. Amendment of Collection Payment Mode
  6. Transfer of credit

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