Create different clauses with description, reference and type to appear in the lease agreement. Define the clauses to applicable business entities, buildings and space types.
1. From the homepage, go to Tenancy module.
2. Navigate to the Clause Management and select Clause Agreement Setting.
Creating Clause Templates
1. Click the Create New button.
2. Input the Template Name.
3. Set the Effective Start Date and Effective End Date.
4. Under Applicable Business Entities, click the Add button and select from the list.
5. Under Applicable Buildings, click the Add button and select from the list.
6. Under Applicable Space Types, click the Add button and select from the list.
7. Select the Agreement Type and Contract type from the list.
8. Under Clause Listing, click the Add button and populate the following:
- Clause Reference
- Clause Type
- Clause Impact
- Clause Description
9. Click the Update button once done.
10. Once done, click Submit for Approval.
Deleting Clause Templates
1. Select the template from the list and tick the box.
2. Click the Delete Selected button.
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