Inactivate large number of space records in the system in one transaction.
1. From the homepage, go to Tenancy module.
2. Navigate to the Lease Space and select Lease Space Mass Inactivation.
1. Click the Create New button.
2. Select the Site/Building from the list.
3. Deactivate spaces manually or via mass upload.
a. Manual Inactivation
- Click the Add button.
- Select the space from the list. Current Effective Start and End Dates will automatically be shown.
- Select the Inactivation Date.
- Click Update button.
b. Mass Inactivation
- Click the Download button to download template.
- Populate the template with the following information.
- Space Name
- Current Effective Start Date (dd/MM/yyyy)
- Current Effective End Date (dd/MM/yyyy)
- Inactivation Date (dd/MM/yyyy)
- Once completed, click the Upload Excel button.
4. Once done, click the Submit for Approval button.
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