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Leasable Space Settings

Warren Hamilton
Warren Hamilton
  • Updated

Create and set up spaces and configuration in the tenancy module. Set prospecting settings, define the type of notices for annual values, define a property tax rate and define the design type for the various space types. 



1. From the homepage, go to Tenancy module.

2. Navigate to the Lease Space and select Lease Space Settings.


Setting Admin Role

This function allows to designate role/s for creating and maintaining the leasable space settings.

1. Click the Add button.

2. Search the Role Name or Role Code from the list.

3. Tick the selected roles and click the Select button. 


Setting Prospecting Settings

This functionality allows to set the number of days involved in the unit reservation process: unit holding validity days, validity extension period and maximum number of extension times.

1. Input the number of days in the respective fields.


Setting Annual Value Type Notices

This functionality allows to set the different types of notices for annual value.

1. Click the Add button.

2. Input the Notice Type description.

3. Click the Update button.


Setting Property Tax Rate Schedule

This functionality allows to define the property tax rate rates and schedule for different lease spaces.

1. Click the Add button.

2. Select the Space Type from the list.

3. Input the Annual Value range in your local currency (from and to).

4. Input the respective Property Tax Rate.

5. Click the Update button once done.


Setting Space Design Types

This functionality allows to define design type for various leasable space types.

1. Click the Add button.

2. Input the Design Type Name and Space Type.



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