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Adding a Position (UA02)

Warren Hamilton
Warren Hamilton
  • Updated

A Position represents a Role mapped to sets of data constraints (called "Data Contexts").  Examples of Data Contexts include locations, departments, projects, etc.  For example, a Position mapped to Finance Department will restrict access to only data related to the Finance Department.

Roles are not directly mapped to Users.  Instead they are mapped via an interim concept called a Position

Relationship between Users and Positions


Multiple Users can be assigned to Multiple Positions, and vice versa.  A User assigned to multiple positions will inherit all the rights of the Positions, and all workflow tasks routed to the Positions will be routed to the User. 


Step Process

1. From the homepage, go to menu option

2. Click "Admin"

3. Click "User Administration"

4. Click "Position"

5. Click "Create New"

6. Enter Position Name. ex.Type "Administrator"

9. Under Access Control enter the relevant Role. ex. "Administrator"

11. Click the "Apply to all types of services" field.

12. Click "Apply to all transaction types"

13. Click "Save and Close"

Optional: "Add Locations"



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